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Undersögelse af födendes smerteoplevelse, kendskab til epidural smertelindring og tilfredshed med smertelindringern
Engelsk titel: A study of labor pain experiences, knowledge of epidural pain relief and satisfaction with pain relief Läs online Författare: Wadland LP ; Sveigaard AL ; Gadegaard Jensen A Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 19 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 03121873


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2003;165(47)4527-30 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Introduction: Our aim was to investigate the experience of pain among parturients at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark; whether the parturients' knowledge about epidural pain relief was sufficient for them to choose to have a labour epidural; and finally how satisfied they were with the pain treatment administered during labour. Materials and methods: 50 women completed a multiple-choice questionnaire after labour. There were five possible answers to each question, and the participants were allowed only one response per question. Women giving birth during a six-week period in May and June 2002 were included. However, those whose native language was not Danish and those on whom caesarean section had been performed were excluded. Results: Labour pain was characterized as severe or unbearable by 68% and as worse than expected by 62%. Half the parturients had insufficient knowledge about the epidural pain relief available during labour and were not confident to ask for it, and 22% thought the method would have been dangerous to their foetus. During the investigation period, 20% had an epidural during labour, but 35% were not aware that they could request one. Prepartum information was derived most commonly (68%) from self-seeking of information and least commonly (52%) from health professionals. Only 70% were satisfied with their pain treatment. Discussion: Labour pain intensity among Danish women equals that found in other studies. The degree of knowledge of epidural pain relief during labour is low, and therefore women in labour often do not ask for it. The information provided by health professionals reaches only half of those in need of it. The non-professional information available is inadequate, and health professionals need to be more forthcoming with information to secure women in labour satisfactory pain treatment.