Engelsk titel: How to scale aerobic capacity in children and adolescents?
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Pettersen SA
Fredriksen PM
Email: svein.a.pettersen@hitos.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 20
UI-nummer: 04011016
BACKGROUND : Several studies conclude that VO2peak does not increase in a linear way with body mass in children and adolescents.
MATERIAL AND METHOD : The paper is based on analysis of our own material and relevant literature found by search in PubMed.
RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION : Despite a dramatic increase in running performance during childhood, VO2peak expressed in relation to body mass remains remarkably stable in boys and shows a downward tendency in girls from the age of 13 or 14. However, if VO2peak is related to body surface area (ml kg(-0.67) min(-1)), the increase in values are more in concert with the increase in running performance. Studies of the effect of training on peak oxygen uptake in children and adolescents often show little if any improvement when peak oxygen uptake is expressed relative to body mass. The reason is the effect of increased body mass that masks the increase in peak oxygen uptake. By expressing VO2peak to body surface area (ml kg(-0.67) min(-1)), studies have shown similar effect of training in children and adolescents as in adults.