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Nonvaskulaere smerter hos patienter med underekstremitetsvaricer. Klinisk undersögelse og behandling
Engelsk titel: Non-vascular pain among patients with varicose veins. Clinical examination and treatment Läs online Författare: Simonsen OH ; Thulin Jespersen P ; Egeblad K Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 15 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 04011261


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2004;166(4)275-7 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Introduction: Patients with pain and mild varicose veins were examined for non-vascular reasons of pain and treated. Material and methods: A consecutive series of patients referred from a venous clinic to an orthopaedic outpatient clinic was investigated. The reference criterion was leg pain as a prominent symptom, which did not relate to the degree of the venous disease. During one year 35 patients were referred, of which 31 completed treatment and follow-up. Results: In 85% of the patients a myofascial overuse condition was found. Out of these 85% had a foot deformity or dysfunction. A total of 45% of the series had a hyperpronated foot and 26% had a cavus foot judged by clinical criteria. Fifty percent of the patients became free of pain and 33% improved by a conservative treatment protocol which consisted of NSAIDs, physiotherapy including stretching and corrective exercises, corticosteroid injections and insoles. Especially patients with foot hyperpronation improved by this treatment. All of these experienced positive effect and 71% became pain-free. Discussion: This paper suggests a considerable clinical effect and a positive socio-economic effect by increased awareness of foot dysfunction and overuse injuries among this category of patients.