Engelsk titel: Recurrent abdominal pain in children
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Christensen MF
Email: mfc@privat.tele.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 40
UI-nummer: 04021345
More than 10% of all schoolchildren suffer from recurrent abdominal pain. Obvious organic illness is demonstrated in only 5-10% of these children. Non-organic (functional) abdominal pain is most simply classified into two groups, upper and lower dyspepsia, upper dyspepsia constituting between 5% and 30%. A new proposal for a more detailed classification (Rome II criteria) does not seem to create any advantage in the general treatment of these children. In children with functional abdominal pain the following factors are of etiological and pathogenetic significance: familial disposition, visceral hyperalgesia and altered intestinal motility, together with stress factors. Many children seem to be relieved by simple cognitive therapy. Thus far medical treatment has been largely ineffective. In adulthood these children will have a predisposition to abdominal pain, in particular irritable bowel syndrome, and to other functional disorders, as well as generalized anxiety.