Serologisk opfölging efter stikuheld på sygehus. En spörgeskemaundersögelse
Engelsk titel: Serologic testing after needlestick incidents in hospitals. A questionnaire survey
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Graversen M
Bytzer P
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 13
UI-nummer: 04031552
Introduction: It was the purpose of this study to investigate the compliance among employees at Glostrup University Hospital, Copenhagen, following an incident of self-reported occupational blood exposure. Materials and metods: In order to reveal potential transmission of HIV and hepatitis C, injured health care workers were instructed to have serological testing (anti-HIV and anti-HCV) 3 and 6 months after occupational blood exposure. One hundred and seventy-one reports of exposure were received during an 18-month period from January 2000 through June 2001. Results: One hundred and twenty-five employees who did not comply with serological testing were sent a questionnaire survey concerning details about the injury, the serological status of the patient and the employee's reasons for not complying with the follow-up. One hundred and five surveys were eligible for analysis. The reasons most commonly offered for non-compliance were simple forgetfulness or that the employee did not perceive the patient as infectious. Only 20% of the 56 employees who were offered hepatitis B vaccinations accepted and completed the full vaccination programme. Conclusion: Our study emphasizes the importance of continuous education of staff in order to minimize the occupational transmission of blood-borne diseases.