Fra observatör til aktiv deltaker - arbeidsfellesskapets betydning for sykepleierstudenters
kunnskapsutvikling i praksis
Engelsk titel: From observer to participant - the working community's significance for the nursing students'
practical learning
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Bakke-Erichsen A
Övrebö R
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 27
UI-nummer: 04043380
The purpose of the study was to
analyse the effects of the nursing
students’ expanded role in the
working community according to
their learning process and development
of nursing competence.
The study took place in a special
teaching unit where the students
formed 2/3 of the nursing staff.
The study had a qualitative
approach. 8 persons were interviewed.
Analyses of data followed
Kvale`s method of qualitative
Findings: To participate in a
socially safe and a professionally
stimulating working community
made a significant and positive
impact on the students’
practical learning.
Rewarding learning methods
were emphasized and the nurses
were good role models and available
counsellors. Through their
expanded role and increased
responsibility they developed professional
confidence, autonomy
and a nursing identity. In addition
they developed skills in communication,
co-operation and