INTERPRETATION : The study showed that better communication between specialists and GPs may improve services for those with headache. Increased knowledge about groups of patients who need improved care could be achieved by asking GPs working in the community for advice.
RESULTS : A total of 177 out of 269 GPs returned the questionnaire (66%). The highest rated suggested activities were telephone meetings with a specialist and written information with criteria for the selection of patients who need a specialist consultation for headache. Responders were of the opinion that higher priority should be given to primary degenerative disorders of the brain such as Parkinson's disease and dementia disorders.
MATERIAL AND METHODS : A postal questionnaire was sent to all general practitioners in the two northernmost counties of Norway. They were asked to suggest order of priority that might improve care for patients referred for headache and point out patient groups who need better services.
BACKGROUND : In the only department of neurology for the two northernmost counties of Norway, activities are organised to minimize waiting time for examination. In order to improve provision of services, we asked general practitioners (GPs) for advice in a questionnaire survey.