Avoiding control and pressure when working with severely intellectually disabled and disturbed
patients. A study of interaction between professional caregivers and patients
Engelsk titel: Avoiding control and pressure when working with severely intellectually disabled and disturbed
patients. A study of interaction between professional caregivers and patients
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Email: trinelise.bakken@ulleval.no
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 28
UI-nummer: 04073775
The behaviouristic tradition has been the mainstream method of treating intellectually disabled persons in Norway. This study describes an alternative, or rather a supplement to behavioural methods when facing psychiatric illnesses in intellectually disabled persons. Interventions described in the present study are based on authors like Lefcourt and Goffman, combined with the impact of the newer trends of user participation and empowerment in the health care system in Scandinavia. The role of the professional caregiver is the aim of the present study. Fifty-three caregivers working in a Psychiatric Department for intellectually disabled at Ullevaal University Hospital (UUS) in Oslo answered a 41 item questionnaire. Three items assessed how caregivers handled conflict situations during self-care activities, and responses on these three items showed the same pattern. When responding and working with patients who do not cooperate during morning rituals, meals and classroom activities, they mainly engaged in verbal interactions with the patients. The caregivers were able to handle conflict situations without using control and pressure in helping patients with daily self-care activities. The authors discuss how the underlying idea of intervening in this way will strengthen the patient's ability to perceive the impact on the surroundings by their own actions, and how it will influence caregiver practice.