Risiko for ekstrapyramidal lidelse ved udsaettelse for mangan under nutidige danske arbejdsforhold?
Engelsk titel: Is there a risk of developing extrapyramidal disorder after exposure to manganese in current Danish work environments?
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Almskou Rasmussen A
Thulstrup AM
Kolstad HA
Bonde JP
Email: jpbon@akh.aaa.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 04111636
It is well known that high-level manganese exposure is associated with neurological disorders, but little is known about the health effects following the low-level exposure that may be conferred by metal welding and metal casting. We identified seven cross-sectional and six case-referent studies that examined neurological disorders following occupational manganese exposure. Methodological constraints and inadequate sampling frames impeded our making inferences as to whether long-term low-dose exposure to manganese causes neurological disorders. There is a need for follow-up studies of large populations with appropriate documentation of exposure.