"Patientundervisning vid diabetes - faktorer och åtgärder av betydelse för förändring av
Engelsk titel: "Diabetes patient education - factors and interventions of significance for changing diet"
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Ruderfelt D
Axelsson L
Email: lilian.axelsson@htu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 50
UI-nummer: 04123657
Diabetes is one of our most common
national diseases and the
number of patients falling ill with
diabetes is constantly increasing.
The effects of diabetes can be
reduced or even prevented by a
healthy diet. Changing diet is,
however, not an easy task. Traditional
patient education has often
succeeded in increasing knowledge,
but failed in changing
behavior. The aim of this study
was to map how the nurse
through patient education can
help patients with diabetes to
improve their diet. Existing literature
on the subject was reviewed
to identify factors that facilitate
or prevent a change in diet
among patients with diabetes.
Educational interventions that
promote a change in diet were
also identified. Factors that facilitate
a change in diet are positive
attitudes towards the diet, knowledge
about the diet, adequate
social support, well developed
problem-solving skills, motivation
and self-confidence to change.
Factors that prevent a change in
diet are lack of time, insufficient
knowledge, special occations,
inadequate social support lack of
diabetes-related self-control and
lack of self-confidence to change.
Educational interventions that
promote a change in diet is individalised
and culturally adapted
education, identifying obstacles,
developing problem-solving skills
goalsetting, follow-up and increasing
social support.