Viden om tegn på kraeft med henblik på tidlig diagnostik. En kvalitativ interviewundersögelse
Engelsk titel: Knowledge of warning signs of cancer with a view to early diagnosis. A qualitative interview study
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Luhr Hansen B
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 0
UI-nummer: 05031336
Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine strategically selected informants' knowledge of warning signs of cancer with a view to early diagnosis. Materials and methods: In March 2003, 200 persons aged over 40 and residents in the County of Funen received a questionnaire about possible signs of cancer. They were asked to participate in a qualitative interview study. Six women and four men aged between 47 and 82 years were selected for the interview. The topics of the interview were: What did the informants know about signs of cancer? From where had they obtained this knowledge? Results: The informants had a good knowledge of signs of disease at late stages of cancer, but a poor knowledge of early signs of cancer. The informants had obtained their knowledge predominantly from terminal cancer diseases among family and friends, while information from the media had no significance. The reason for the informants' limited knowledge of the early signs of cancer was the fact that their information sources concerned terminal and not early stages of cancer. Discussion: More information on early signs of cancer should be provided.