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Patientgrundlag og evaluering af undersögelser i en neuromuskulaer klinik gennem tre år
Engelsk titel: Patient demographics and evaluation of examinations in a neuromuscular clinic over a three-year period Läs online Författare: Anthonisen M ; Toft R ; Rönager J ; Vissing J Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 9 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 05051907


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2005;167(22)2405-8 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Introduction: We compiled the demographic statistics of patients attending a neuromuscular outpatient clinic and evaluated a number of examinations done in the clinic over a period of three years. Materials and methods: The number of patients, the type and number of contacts and the diagnoses given were listed. Muscle biopsy was considered informative if it contributed to or confirmed the final diagnosis. Gene analysis was considered positive if the referral diagnosis was confirmed. Patients with informative muscle biopsy or positive gene analysis who had undergone an EMG before referral to the clinic in spite of obvious muscle disease were listed. Results: A total of 879 patients were preexamined, followed by 999 control visits. Two thirds were given a neuromuscular examination, resulting in a diagnosis of 40 motor neuron diseases, 290 neuropathies and 206 myopathies. Ninety percent of the muscle biopsies done in 194 patients were informative; of these, 40 percent confirmed the final diagnosis. Similarly, 90% of 88 gene analyses were positive. A total of 34 patients had undergone an EMG before referral to the clinic in spite of obviously having a muscle disease. Discussion: The distribution of neuromuscular diagnoses in the clinic differs from that of the population in general, reflecting the referral to the clinic of more uncommon neuropathies. Muscle biopsy and gene analysis were important diagnostic tools in neuromuscular diseases, whereas 34 patients had unnecessarily undergone an EMG before referral to the clinic in spite of obviously having a muscle disease.