Engelsk titel: Testing pattern and prevalence of Chlamydia infection among men
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Bakken IJ
Skjeldestad FE
Nordbö SA
Email: inger.bakken@sintef.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 13
UI-nummer: 05061112
INTERPRETATION : Even though testing rates increased throughout the study period, the proportion of men who had been tested for chlamydia at the age of 25 was low. The prevalence at first test was high throughout the study period. Increased availability of urine-based testing will probably lead to more chlamydia testing among men.
RESULTS : Age-specific rates for first test for young men increased throughout the study period. By the age of 25, one in five men had been tested for chlamydia at least once. One in six of first tests was positive. Chlamydia prevalence at first test was highest among men 20-24 years old (21% in 2003). Men who initially had a positive test more often had a repeated test than men who initially had a negative test. Furthermore, 12-month incidence of chlamydia infection subsequent to the first test was higher among men who initially tested positive (12%) than among men who initially tested negative (7%).
MATERIALS AND METHODS : Data on chlamydia tests for men were selected from the database at the only laboratory in a Norwegian county carrying out chlamydia tests. 12,633 men aged 15-59 at first test and resident in the county were included in the study.
BACKGROUND : The knowledge of testing patterns and prevalence of chlamydia among Norwegian men is sparse.