Praemature börns oplevelse af smerte i forbindelse med PO2 og PCO2 monitoring - et pilotstudie
Engelsk titel: Pain experienced by premature children during PO2 and PCO2 monitoring - a pilot study
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Lund H
Pedersen PU
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 05093262
The premature child is very sensitive
to even small stimulus from
the environment. Pain can cause
a stress reaction leading to severe
complications. Therefore the care
for a premature child seeks to
prevent any unnecessary negative
stimulus. In order to support vital
functions PO2 and PCO2 are
monitored continuously. The
monitoring device has to be
changed eight times a day, and in
the staff experience this procedure
causes the child pain.
The aim of the study was to describe
whether premature children
experience pain when the device to
monitor PO2 and PCO2 is changed.
Over a period of three months all
children born before week 32
admitted to the neonatal care unit
at a Danish county hospital were
allocated to the study. All together 9
children participated. At least one
episode of changing the monitoring
device was recorded on video for
each child. The eighteen video
recordings were analysed by three
nurses using the Premature Infant
Pain Profile (PIPP) scoring system
to assess the pain intensity experienced
by the child. PIPP score
above 12 indicate severe pain.
All children experienced severe
pain during the change procedure
as they got a PIPP score between 13
and 18 with a median score of 15.
This pilot study has demonstrated
that premature children experience
severe pain by the nursing
procedure. It is therefore suggested
that a method is developed
insuring the necessary assessment
of vital functions without causing
unnecessary risk to the children.