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Frafall og avbrudd i sykepleierutdanningen - en utfordring
Engelsk titel: Dropout and stopout in nursing education - a challenge Läs online Författare: Kloster T Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 21 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 05093271


Vård i Norden 2005;25(3)49-54 ISSN 0107-4083 E-ISSN 1890-4238 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


All students starting nursing education in August 2001 at Vestfold University College were asked to take part of a longitudinal study. They were invited to fill in a questionnaire consisting of demographic data, data related to motivation, expectation to the nursing programme and study habit in the beginning of their study (phase one). When the second phase of the longitudinal study started at the end of the three year educational programme, 24 of 76 students were no longer on the class-list. Why? The aim of this study was to explore how many nursing students dropped out or prolonged their study (stopout). When did they leave, how long did they stay out, who were they and for what reasons did they leave? What can the nursing university college do to prevent or reduce the leaving rate? An explorative, descriptive design with open-ended interviews was used. The interviews were mostly conducted by phone. The results showed that of 76 students, 8 dropped out, 13 used more than three years and 3 students finished their nursing education in three years in another university college. With the exception of academic failure and clinical experience there was no single contributing factor that made the students dropout or stopout, but factors such as pregnancy, sickness, personal crises and economy were identified.