Health care reform - consequences and challenges for the health care professions. A paper
presented at Buskerud University College for the Inaugural speech for the Professorship at the
Institute of Health Studies, November 5, 2004
Engelsk titel: Health care reform - consequences and challenges for the health care professions. A paper
presented at Buskerud University College for the Inaugural speech for the Professorship at the
Institute of Health Studies, November 5, 2004
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Kim HS
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 12
UI-nummer: 05093278
Health care reform has been happening in most countries of the world during the past two decades. The health care reform is a process guided by the prevailing ideological commitments to (a) improving health of the population, for example improving the quality of life, (b) an equitable care, although equity has different meanings from different orientations, (c) cost-containment and cost-efficiency, (d) increase in accountability, (e) scientific base of health care especially in terms of transfer of knowledge into practice, (f) consumer choice, and (g) quality care. One of the major shortfalls of the reform movement has been its inability to address the issues of health outcomes more directly. This paper proposes a model with which health-care professionals including nurses can address quality of practice in relation to health outcomes. It is a complex feedback process system consisting of (a) goals of patient care, (b) process of care, (c) quality of care, and (d) patient outcomes. In the model, goals, processes, quality, and outcomes are conceptualized as interdependent components that can bring about both effectiveness and efficiency of patient care through component-specific processes as well as coordinated, feedback processes.