Centralt fedt fremmer og perifert fedt beskytter postmenopausale kvinder mod aterosklerose og insulinresistens - sekundaerpublikation
Engelsk titel: Central fat deposits contribute to atherosclerosis and insulin resistance and peripheral fat deposits protect against atherosclerosis and insulin
resistance in postmenopausal women - secondary publication
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Tanko LB
Richelsen B
Larsen PJ
Email: lbt@ccbr.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 7
UI-nummer: 05091637
An analysis of 290 postmenopausal women, subdivided into four distinct body fat distribution groups, showed that peripheral fat mass (PFM) confers insulin-sensitizing and anti-atherogenic effects. PFM contributes to circulating adiponectin, an adipocyte-derived hormone with insulin-sensitizing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-atherogenic effects. In generally obese women, the secretion of adiponectin by PFM provides effective anti-atherogenic protection. In postmenopausal women, body fat distribution has more critical implications for metabolic and cardiovascular risk than overall obesity per se.