Implementering af laparoskopisk sigmoideumresektion, initiale resultater og erfaringer
Engelsk titel: Implementation of laparoscopic resection of the sigmoid colon, initial results and experiences
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Gyrtrup HJ
Crone PO
Olsen JA
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 11
UI-nummer: 05091698
Introduction: In recent years, the enthusiasm for laparoscopic surgery has been immense. In Denmark, laparoscopic surgery of the colon has been performed in only a few cases each year. In other countries, laparoscopic surgery forenign diseases of the colon is well established. Laparoscopic surgery for malignant diseases of the colon has been awaiting the results of studies of the oncological results. Now several randomised studies have demonstrated oncological results equal to or better than those of open surgery. The aim of this study was to show the initial experience of laparoscopic surgery of the colon in a Danish hospital surgical department. Materials and methods: Forty patients were included in the study. They had a planned laparoscopic resection of the sigmoid colon in the period from January 2004 to February 2005. Results: Thirty-six patients had the operation done laparoscopically. Four operations were converted to open operations. Four patients had major complications. The median postoperative time in hospital was three days and five days for malignant and benign disease, respectively. In the case of malignant disease, the median number of lymph nodes in the specimen was eight, and the median distance from the resection line to the tumour was 4.5 cm. Conclusion: Our results seems to show that if with sufficient laparoscopic expertise, laparoscopic resection of the colon for both benign and malignant diseases can be performed with the advantage of earlier convalescence and fewer days in hospital. The histopathology findings in the case of malignant disease do not differ from those of open surgery.