Engelsk titel: Treatment with nutrition and fluids in patients with non-curable cancer
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Nordöy T
Thoresen L
Kvikstad A
Svensen R
Email: tone.nordoy@unn.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 33
UI-nummer: 06031823
X : Patients with non-curable cancer represent a large and heterogeneous group in which malnutrition and weight loss is a frequent finding. This article is based on relevant literature and our own clinical experience. For every patient a thorough examination of possible underlying causes should be explored and corrected as soon as possible (secondary cachexia). However, in many patients primary cachexia is the cause, a catabolic condition where muscle protein and lipids are degraded and even aggressive nutrition will not reverse the process. This condition is very different from starvation. Metoclopramide, corticosteroids and gestagens can relieve symptoms as anorexia, chronic nausea and asthenia which frequently occur in patients with cachexia. Treatments that may maintain or increase muscle function and modulate inflammatory processes are new approaches, such as eicosapentaneoic acid, adenosine triphosphate, specific amino acids and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Nutrition is an integrated part of supportive therapy to all cancer patients, unless expected survival is short. At this time in life, nutrition will not influence survival and focus should be on symptom control.