Reduceret post partum-blödning efter sublingval misoprostol: et randomiseret dobbeltblindt klinisk studie i et udviklingsland - sekundaerpublikation
Engelsk titel: Reduced post-partum bleeding after treatment with sublingual misoprostol: a randomized double-blind clinical study in a developing country - secondary publication
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Bruun Nielsen B
Höj L
Hvidman LE
Nielsen J
Cardose P
Aaby P
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 6
UI-nummer: 06041970
Post-partum haemorrhage is the most common cause of maternal death in third-world countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether routine administration of sublingual misoprostol, 600 g, reduces post-partum haemorrhage. Significantly fewer women in the misoprostol group experienced a loss of =1,000 ml (11% vs. 17%; 0.66 (0.45-0.98)) or =1,500 ml (2% vs. 8%; 0.28 (0.12-0.64)) of blood. We conclude that sublingual misoprostol reduces the frequency of severe post-partum haemorrhage.