Engelsk titel: To watch - a study of the concept
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Fridh I
Email: isabell.fridh@fhs.gu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 44
UI-nummer: 06043743
To watch over a sick or dying
person is a common phrase and
phenomenon used both by relatives
and hospital staff. The aim of
this study was to analyse the concept
of watch and it’s meaning
for caring in the context of intensive
care. The study was conducted
in two steps. First an etymological
and semantic analysis was
conducted, in the second step, 35
persons, including 19 registered
nurses undergoing a specialist
training program in critical care
and 16 persons representing the
public were asked to write down
their personal opinions about the
meaning of the concept. A synthesis
of the semantic analysis and
the empirical study was made
and finally a tentative meaning of
the concept was formulated. To
watch (over someone) is to be
present by a person’s side with
attention, in the purpose of protecting
the loved one from danger
and to assist and help in presence
of illness and/or dying. The person
who watches can do it day or
night and be a next of kin or a
nurse. To watch means to be emotionally
involved and your own
needs are put aside in favour of
the concern and care for the ill or
dying person.