Engelsk titel: The fatal story - Ibsen's health during the last years of his life
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Frich JC
Hem E
Email: jancf@medisin.uio.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 34
UI-nummer: 06061456
Personnamn som ämnesord:
Ibsen H
X : In contrast to Henrik Ibsen's literary work, the author's health during the last years of his life has not attracted much attention. Ibsen suffered from a variety of symptoms due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. He was first hit by a stroke in March 1900, which resulted in paresis of his left foot. During the summer 1900 he was ill with erysipelas. Thereafter, in 1901 and in 1903, he was hit by two more strokes, which left him with severe right hemiparesis and aphasia. Ibsen's varying health might indicate that he was hit by several additional minor stokes in both hemispheres, most likely tromboembolic cerebral infarcts. During his last years he developed symptoms of cardiac failure, and it was probably an increasing cardiac failure that led to the cardiac arrest that ended his life.