Sammenligning av tilheling og kostnader ved to ulike behandlingsmetoder. En
intervensjonsstudie av patienter med leggsår, utfört i hjemmesykepleien
Engelsk titel: Comparison of healing and costs using two different treatments. An intervention study of patients
with leg ulcers treated in primary health care
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Smith-Ström H
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 24
UI-nummer: 06073307
Patients with leg ulcers are mainly
treated in the community health
service and take up a considerable
proportion of the health service
resources. The purpose was to
compare the healing results and the
costs of two different treatments to
patient with leg ulcers. 37 patients
with venous leg ulcers or mixed
venous/arterial etiology were randomized
to treatment with hydrocolloid
dressing (HCL) or wetsaline-
guaze dressing (SG). Patients
were bandaged with either
compression or stockings. Each
patient was followed– up over a
period of 6 weeks in the primary
health care in Bergen, Norway. 8
patients in the HCL - and 2 patients
in SR group healed during the
period of 6 weeks. The reduction of
ulcer area was 64 % in both groups
(p = 0,498). Type of compression
seemed to effect the healing. Patients
in both groups reported approximately
equal pain experience.
The total mean costs in HCL-group
were NOK 2128 pr. day/all patients
and NOK 3906 pr. day/all patients
in the SG-group (p = 0,019). There
was no statistical significant in
material costs between the groups
(p=0,1200). Even that hydrocolloid
dressing is more cost - effective
than wet saline - quaze dressing,
and more ulcus healed, the total
care must be considered when choosing
wound care. From the health
promotion perspective it can be
necessary to consider practical,
economic and social issues before
choosing type of treatment.