Engelsk titel: Career plans for medical students at the University of Tromsö
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Helberg NG
Hasvold T
Email: nina.helberg@ism.uit.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 18
UI-nummer: 06091829
RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION : 126 out of 166 (76 %) students responded. The majority of the first-year students wanted to work as specialists at the University hospitals, while the graduating students wanted to work in general practice or at the local hospitals. Even though the differences were not significant there was a trend towards first-year students preferring hospital careers more than the graduating students. There was a connection between where the students wanted to work in the future and whether their origin was urban or rural. The students with a rural background preferred local hospitals while the students with a urban background preferred University hospitals.
MATERIAL AND METHODS : The first-year and graduating students were surveyed the fall of 2003. They were asked about background and career plans concerning place and specialization.
BACKGROUND : It has been shown that physicians graduating from the University of Tromsø to a great extent settle in Northern Norway. We wanted to find out where and in what field medical students in Tromsø want to work when they become qualified physicians.