Kan Glasgow Coma Score < 9 anvendes som et selvstaendigt kriterium for intubation af patienter med traumer i centralnervesystemet?
Engelsk titel: Glasgow Coma Score < 9 as a criterion for tracheal intubation of patients with traumatic brain injuries?
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Jensen JV
Vallentin Rosenstock C
Email: jacobvad@stud.ku.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 07021814
Guidelines use GCS < 9 as a criterion for tracheal intubation of patients with traumatic brain injuries. Our hypothesis was that there was actually no evidence for using this criterion. We searched relevant databases and found no association between a particular GCS and impaired pharyngeal control, but we did find an association between a low GCS and respiratory insufficiency. Our findings suggest that patients with traumatic brain damages should be monitored closely using GCS as a supplement in the overall assessment of respiratory insufficiency.