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Engelsk titel: Combatting adverse events in general practice Läs online Författare: Sodemann B Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 3 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 07023878


Sygeplejersken 2007;107(3)52-5 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The Patient Safety Act came into force in January 2004 and was replaced in January 2007 by the Health Act. Subsequently it will presumably be possible to report adverse events which occur in the primary sector. I believe that reporting and analysis of adverse events will in the future become part of the daily routine of general practices because reporting influences patient safety, the working environment and the results which can be achieved through quality development in practice. We be able change or adapt our routines and procedures so as to minimise the number of errors and as a result, patients will get better treatment. This requires confidence and peace of mind among the staff. They must not be afraid to record and discuss events, and to do this means they must be good at constructive criticism. In our practice we hold a staff meeting once a month. At these meeting we discuss the events that have occurred during the past month. In this way we are able to adjust our procedures, routines and work patterns on an on-going basis.