Höj praevalens i Region Syd af cöliaki blandt börn med type 1-diabetes. Sygdomsopsporing samt opfölgning på glutenfri diaet - sekundaerpublikation
This screening study was performed to determine the prevalence of coeliac disease (CD) in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and to estimate the clinical effects of a gluten-free diet. In the region of Southern Denmark all patients under16 years of age with T1D were identified and 269 (89%) were included. CD was diagnosed in 33 (12.3%). Patients with CD had a lower height SDS and weight SDS and were younger at diabetes onset. After 2 years on a gluten-free diet there were significant improvements in clinical and biochemical parameters. We recommend screening of CD in all children with T1D.