Ny träffsäker triagemetod. METTS-A ger underlag för prioritering till rätt vårdnivå
Engelsk titel: New accurate triage method. METTS-A yields basis for priority level decisions
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Widgren BR
Jourak M
Martinius A
Email: bengt.widgren@medic.gu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 17
UI-nummer: 08011212
Objectives: To evaluate the validity of a new protocol for emergency medicine in a large cohort of patients admitted to the emergency department at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
Methods: 51166 patients were admitted to the emergency department at Sahlgrenska University Hospital during 2005. 12 317 consecutive patients were included in the primary analysis, and 17921 were included in the in-hospital mortality analysis. A five level triage tool, including vital signs, symptoms and signs were used. A small control of the inter-rater disagreement was also performed in 132 parallel, single blinded observations.
Results: The number of patient referred to in-hospital care increased with higher priority levels. There was a close relationship between priority level and mortality in both emergency department and during the hospital stay. In the higher priority groups respiratory rate and reaction level scale was the most important vital signs for the priority level given.
Conclusion: The triage tool in METTS-A is a sensitive method to find those patients in the emergency department at high mortality risk. Vital signs were also shown to be more important than symptoms in the triage decision.