Läkares säkring av bevis efter sexualbrott viktig del i rättsprocessen
Engelsk titel: Sexual crime evidence-securing by physicians an important part in the legal process
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Ansell R
Stegeryd Y
Email: ricky.ansell@skl.polisen.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 23
UI-nummer: 08031513
In cases of sexual assault, physical evidence can be of crucial importance for a conviction. Intimate samples initially collected by a physician can prove to be the only supporting evidence for the prosecution to present at court proceedings. New analysis techniques and methods have increased the positive outcome of the samples collected. This in combination with increased use of national criminal DNA databases results in the solving of sexual crimes with unknown perpetrators. The use of standardised rape care kits facilitates the work of the physician in performing an adequate sampling procedure. The Swedish “rape care kit” has been developed and updated in response to experience gained and new possibilities.