Tyndtarmsinvagination hos voksen med ektopisk ventrikelslimhinde
Engelsk titel: Adult intussusception in small bowel due to tissue containing ectopic ventricular mucosa
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Husted Madsen A
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 09011654
Adult intussusception is rare and most often not identified until surgery. We report a case involving a 59-year-old woman admitted to the surgical ward. Computed tomography identified intestinal obstruction caused by intussusception of the terminal ileum. Exploratory laparotomy was performed - an intussusception was identified 30 cm from the ileocoecal valve. The intussusception was caused by what looked like a 6 × 2 cm tumour. Histology revealed no tumour but ectopic ventricular mucosa and no indication of malignancy. The case and literature on the subject are discussed.