Kateter blir kvar både ofta och länge. Punktprevalensstudie i Skaraborg
Engelsk titel: Catheters often left inserted for a long time. Point prevalence study in Skaraborg
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Hedelin H
Jonsson K
Email: hans.hedelin@vgregion.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 19
UI-nummer: 09021163
A point prevalence study performed in nursing homes (n = 91) within a geographically well-defined area in western Sweden revealed that of the 3,092 caretakers, 8% had an indwelling catheter. The incidence was higher among males 19% compared to females (4%). The males had been catheterised for a significantly longer period of time (30 months) compared to the females (17 months) (p> 0.001). A third of the caretakers had the catheter rinsed regularly; mostly with chlorhexidine, a regime not based on controlled randomised studies. Cranberry juice (in 19%) was frequently used as well as metenaminhippurat (in 8%), a drug lacking effectiveness in association with long term catheters. There is a lack of methods with scientifically documented effect and controlled randomised studies as well as the development of novel strategies are highly desirable.