Hjertekirurgiske patienters opfattelse af kvalitet i pleje og behandling - KUPP. Et pilotstudie
Engelsk titel: Patientens' perception of care and treatment in relation to cardiac surgery.Quality from the
patient's perspective - QPP. A pilot study
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Greve, Helle
Pedersen, Preben Ulrich
Email: helle.greve@rh.regionh.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 41
UI-nummer: 10073008
Background: Patients' judgement of quality of treatment and care has become an important component of healthcare evaluations of quality improvement, and caregivers need to focus on patients' individual wishes and needs.
Aim of the study: To describe patients' perceptions of the quality of care in certain areas of care and treatment, and to identify areas for further development of nursing quality.
Method: A pilot-study, designed as a quantitative descriptive study by use of the questionnaire Quality from a Patient Perspective (QPP). QPP is based on a theoretical model, generated from in-depth interviews with hospitalized patients. The model includes the following dimensions: medical-technical competence, physical-technical conditions, identity-orientated approach in care and socio-cultural atmosphere in the ward. A convenience sample of 67 patients who had had heart-surgery filled in and returned the questionnaire after discharge from hospital. The quality score was calculated, considering the experienced quality of care and treatment, and its subjective importance.
Results: In most areas the scores expressed acceptable or good quality. The patients pointed out following areas for further development of the quality of care: routines, information, involvement, waiting time, possibility to discuss matters of intimacy or marital relations.
Conclusion: QPP has been used to describe patients' perception of quality in certain areas of care and treat-ment, and to form a basis for identifying and giving priority to areas for further development of the quality of care and treatment in heart-surgery wards.