Mandatory inspection of municipal care centres takes place in all Danish municipalities. The purpose of such inspection visits is transparency, documentation and monitoring of the municipality's services to its residents. The aim is also education; whereby management, staff, residents, relatives, together with politicians and staff in local administration, gain an insight into the actual conditions, with a view to continued provision of good quality services.
The article describes the link between legislation, mandatory inspection, and the concept of good life quality for residents. An account is given of the structure of the inspection concept in terms of unannounced inspection visits, and where work is taking place on quality goals?based on quality standards, politicians at municipal level, and core values. Principles are described for the unannounced inspection visits, the duration of visits, investigative methods, reporting and the consultation process.
With point of departure in Sønderborg Municipality, examples are given of how the inspections can be used in the care centres' forward-looking development work.