Tvåspråkighet bäst om unga med kokleaimplantat själva får välja - Intervjustudie om upplevelsen
av delaktighet i socialt samspel
Engelsk titel: Bilingualism best if young people with cochlear implants get to choose - Interview study on the
experience of participation in social interplay
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Preisler, Gunilla
Midböe, Maria
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 18
UI-nummer: 11127732
Twenty years ago the first cochlea implant operations were conducted on deaf children. Today, these children are teenagers and young adults. The aim of the study was to explore the first generation of cochlea implants users´ experience of participating in social interaction. A qualitative analysis of interviews with seven young persons showed that language development and perception of sounds were important in order to enable them taking part in social interaction. Other persons´ responses as well as their own personal motivation were other important factors. Some of the youngster primarily used speech in communication, others sign language. To be able to use sign language made them feel safe in participating in interpersonal communication and the development of sign language was considered as facilitating the development of spoken Swedish. The results confirm other studies in the field, indicating that participation in social interaction is a multi dimensional phenomenon.