Patientsäkerhet svårt att uppnå, svårt att värdera. Landstingens patientsäkerhetsberättelser
granskas och diskuteras
Engelsk titel: Patient safety is difficult to achieve, difficult to evaluate. The county councils patient safety
stories are reviewed and discussed
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Nilsen, Per
Nygren, Mikaela
Öhrn, Annica
Roback, Kerstin
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 12057981
Efforts to improve Swedish patient safety have intensified in 2011 with a new Patient Safety Act and an activity and performance-based compensation scheme launched by the Government and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. A ”zero vision” has been formulated. These efforts beg the question: how do we know that Swedish health care safety increases? This paper addresses key issues concerning patient safety work in Sweden. Difficulties and opportunities concerning the evaluation of this work are discussed against a framework of Donabedian’s “triad” which adds a contextual component to account for patient safety culture and integrates a learning dimension through the use of the concepts of single and double loop learning, as described by Argyris and Schön. The various components are discussed in relation to the county councils’ reports to describe their patient safety work during 2010, which is stipulated in the Patient Safety Act.