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Der er klinisk betydningsfulde komplikationer i forbindelse med langtidsbehandling med syrepumpehaemmere
Engelsk titel: Adverse events associated with long-term use of proton pump inhibitors Läs online Författare: Reimer, Christina ; Bytzer, Peter Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 29 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 12107463


Ugeskrift for Laeger 2012;174(39)2289-93 ISSN 0041-5782 E-ISSN 1603-6824 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) remain the leading therapy for acid-related disorders. Long-term PPI use increases the risk of pneumonia and enteric bacterial infections and of nosocomial Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea. PPIs do not lead to vitamin B12 or iron deficiencies and do not induce malignancies or increase the risk of major birth defects. Prolonged PPI use may be a weak risk factor for certain fractures and results in hypergastrinaemia and parietal cell hyperplasia leading to rebound acid hypersecretion, which may induce symptoms on withdrawal of therapy.