Protonpumpshämmare misstänks ge allvarliga biverkningar. Försiktigare förskrivning bör övervägas och på korrekta indikationer
Engelsk titel: Proton pump inhibitors are suspected of serious adverse effects. More cautious prescribing should be considered and on correct indications
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Backman, Lars
Schmidt, Daniel
Vitols, Sigurd
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 45
UI-nummer: 13067418
Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) is a group of drugs with outstanding effect on acid-related diseases. PPI has been considered to be safe and free from serious side effects. However, during the last years, several studies have shown the appearance of some serious conditions, e.g. pneumonia, intestinal infection, and fracture in patients taking PPI. Increased cardiovascular mortality in patients taking ASA as cardiovascular prophylaxis has also been related to this medication. Overprescription of PPI is common and mostly related to ulcer prophylaxis and to treatment of dyspepsia. A radical revision of indications for PPI use can therefore be considered to be relevant.