En vaerdighedsstöttende aeldreomsorg - Vaerdighed, integritet og autonomi - fra abstrakte
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Engelsk titel: A dignity supporting eldercare - Dignity, integrity and autonomy - from abstract concepts to ethical
nursing care principles
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Höy, Bente
Kloppenbog, Kamma
Email: beho@viauc.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 32
UI-nummer: 12123200
In this article, the meaning and implications of dignity, integrity, and autonomy as core concepts in eldercare are illuminated and discussed. Elderly people who receive nursing care are vulnerable and dependent which appeal to care ethics and emphasise the importance of these concepts. However, dignity, integrity, and autonomy are complex concepts that are difficult to work with because on the one hand, they are used frequently in everyday language, and on the other hand, they are hard to define in a caring practice. Based on theoretical and empirical studies within the context of eldercare, the aim of this article is, from a caring perspective, to explore and describe the meaning of these concepts and illustrate their impact for a dignified care. Three key ethical challenges and five principles for eldercare are elucidated and discussed. The ethical issue is basically a concern for the vulnerability of the elderly and respecting the elderly person as an individual human being.