Det er så godt å snakke med deg, men hva kan du gjöre for meg? - Noen sentrale faktorer i möte
med afrikanske kvinner utsatt for seksuelle overgrep
Engelsk titel: "It's so good to talk to you, but what can you do for me?" - Some key factors when meeting African
women exposed to sexual abuse
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Trane, Kristin Augenie Randi
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 40
UI-nummer: 13033795
Women of African origin who have been victims of sexual abuse need to be met with knowledge and expertise by health services in Norway. Although they primarily require much the same as Norwegian women, they also present some additional challenges. African women's propensity to tell the staff in mental health care about sexual abuse will be affected by several factors, including their own definition of what they have experienced, their experience of self-worth, guilt, shame and preconceived ideas about how health services will meet them. The relationship of this to how one processes painful experiences, who they may tell, and their understanding of Norwegian mental health care is also of importance. The women’s past experiences and relationships in their home country, culture and networks will be central in this regard.