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Godt utfört förstehjelp kan representere et vendepunkt for personer med selvmordstanker!
Engelsk titel: Well executed first aid may represent a turning point for people with suicidal thoughts! Läs online Författare: Tallaksen, Dag Willy ; Lindmark, Johan Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 13063119


Suicidologi 2013;18(1)30-3 ISSN 1501-6994 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Suicide figures are increasing in Norway and it affects many of us. The lack of language skills and training in talking about suicide makes this a problem that can be easily under-communicated. Training in talking about suicide is probably a prerequisite for achieving greater openness. The ASIST workshop focuses on raising awareness of attitudes and practice in talking about difficult issues. Vivat selvmordsforebygging would like it to be equally self evident to intervene in suicidal crises as it is to start the heart / lung resuscitation. To achieve this requires a major effort in the education of first aid interventions. The ASIST workshop was introduced in Norway in 1998. We now face the second major revision of the workshop. This time it will be even more pronounced emphasis on the first aid aspect. The importance of security and clear leadership in crisis situations is emphasized. A well done first aid intervention could represent a turning point for those who are in danger of losing their lives. The interactive teaching that have been the workshop's trademark will be continued. This is one of the most used suicide prevention workshops worldwide. Norway is in forefront with this update.