Tidlig intervensjon for utsatte gravide og småbarnsfamilier - samhandlingens betydning
Engelsk titel: Early intervention for vulnerable pregnant women and families with small children - the
significance of interaction
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Lindboe, Bente
Kufås, Elin
Karlsson, Bengt
Email: bente.lindboe@vestreviken.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 14013176
The Preventive Family team (PFT) was established as a result of the government’s commitment to improve follow-up of children by parents with mental disorders or substance abuse problems. The main focus is developing methods for early intervention for pregnant women and families with young children. The objective is to strengthen parenthood and child-care situation, so that drug related harm and psychosocial problems for the child are prevented. The work is based on research and experience from the Danish «familieambulatoriet», recent infant research, and knowledge of children as next of kin. This article is based on an evaluation study conducted by Buskerud University College. The findings of the study highlight the importance of interaction with pregnant women and families with complex challenges. It is found that the partners emphasize PFT`s inter- and multidisciplinary approach, the team's wide network, and its function as a bridge to and between services. On this basis, it is concluded that interaction is considered essential for overall usefulness of services.