Engelsk titel: Sexuality and sexual rehabilitation after acquired traumatic brain injury
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Stein Larsen, Jane
Aadal, Lena
Email: janelaen@rm.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 36
UI-nummer: 14023278
Background: The focus of this literature review is how sexuality and sexual issues are affected after having sustained a traumatic brain injury, and how this is dealt with in the rehabilitation setting. Methods: Together with a librarian from the reference library, we search for literature published between 1991-2011 on traumatic brain injury, sexuality, and rehabilitation using keywords and MESH terms relevant to our search criteria. Results: We found 98 articles, 40 were excluded due to their titles, 8 were excluded after screening the abstracts and the titles, 50 fulltext articles were screened for content and relevance for this study, 17 articles were excluded after reading the fulltext articles, 33 articles have been included in this study. Conclusion: Sexuality is a neglected area in rehabilitation after TBI, and there is a need for training of the nursing staff in this area.