Feokromocytom kan lätt missas vid ovanlig symtombild. Hypotoni och synkope tolkades som ortostatism
Engelsk titel: Pheochromocytoma can easily be missed in an unusual symptomatology. Hypotension and syncope were interpreted as orthostatism
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Fridegren, Johan
Andreasson, Adam
Wallin, Claes
Email: johan.fridegren@sll.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 14037666
Pheochromocytomas are rare but well known tumors, often located within the adrenal gland. Due to their catecholamine production they are often associated with cardiovascular symptoms such as hypertension and palpitations, but headache, perspiration and pallor are also frequently shown within the patient group. Unusual symptoms may be hypotension, cardiac insufficiency and dyspnea. A patient within a palliative care unit presented with low blood pressure and repeated syncope, which was assessed as orthostatic hypotension. Autopsy showed a pheochromocytoma in the left adrenal gland. If hypotension is present together with perspiration, mydriasis, hyperglycemia, abdominal pain, pulmonary edema and/or leukocytosis the patient may be examined with plasma metoxycatecholamines and/or CT/MR to not miss an unusual presented pheochromocytoma.