Suicide and suicidal behaviour are serious public health problems which affect not only the suicidal person, but also the families and communities upset by such events. The Network for the Suicide Struck (NEFOS) provides postvention, which is the focussed provision of support to people affected by suicidal behaviour. Object: The aim of this study was to explore the psychosocial burden experienced by parents of a son or a daughter who had attempted suicide and to examine the experience of the parents receiving postvention. Method: Two focus groups with a total of 14 parents whose sons or daughters had attempted suicide and who subsequently received postvention. The transcribed data were subjected to qualitative analyses. Results: The parents were stigmatised, and their management of this stigma was a source of conflict among them. The postvention helped them develop new strategies for managing stigma and cooperating as parental teams. Conclusion: The postvention provided by NEFOS was experienced as both relevant and effective.