Pårörende til aleneboende personer med demens - Erfaringer fra samarbeid med
hjemmetjenesten etter ny organisering
Background: The increasing number of people suffering from dementia will challenge a modern family policy based on equality and partnership. Aim: To describe relatives’ experiences with providing care to person with dementia living alone, in collaboration with home health care after training and reorganization of nurses resources. Methods: Focus group interviews with 6 relatives of people with dementia. The analysis method is phenomenological hermeneutic. Results: The collaboration between family and professionals are inadequate. The professionals do not involve the family as partners in care. The family experience little communication and do not know the staff and the way the home health care is organized. They experience lack of mutual exchange of information and clarification of roles and responsibilities. Conclusion: Competence and re-organization that support relational continuity is not sufficient to ensure collaboration with relatives. To facilitate careers involvement in a complementary model one has to appreciate the relationship and the role of the family must be made conscious and concretized. Structural conditions must support staff working with families. The challenge for home health care is to develop methods of collaboration at various levels in the organization. If family's contribution shall be an integral part of the overall care, staff needs to develop skills in negotiation processes.