Rökstopp inför operation minskar risk för komplikationer. Rökare bör erbjudas rökavvänjning
Engelsk titel: Smoking cessation before surgery reduces the risk of complications. Smokers should be offered smoking cessation
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Hjalmarson, Agneta
Email: agneta.hjalmarson@gu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 21
UI-nummer: 14087170
Smoking cessation before surgery is beneficial for patients. The longer the period of pre-operative abstinence, the better. Both brief and intensive interventions resulted in more patients quitting smoking at time of surgery. However, a significant reduction in risk of surgical complications, and an increase in cessation rates at 12 months, was only reported by the studies offering patients intensive smoking cessation treatment, including nicotine replacement therapy, for 4–8 weeks before surgery and a similar time-period after surgery. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare recommends that smokers scheduled for surgery should be offered intensive cessation treatment. This, though, requires more treatment time than brief advice, and also trained staff, something which can be offered at tobacco preventive units and at many primary care facilities. For patients to profit from this, they must be aware that treatment is available and be encouraged to use it.