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Narkolepsi - ovanlig sjukdom som fått ökad uppmärksamhet. Pandemrixvaccination ledde till fler insjuknanden bland barn och ungdomar
Engelsk titel: Narcolepsy - rare disease that has received increased attention. Pandemrix vaccination caused a higher incidence among children and adolescents Läs online Författare: Hallböök, Tove ; Szakacs, Attila ; Bialek, Fatima ; Feltelius, Nils ; Landtblom, Anne-Marie ; Malmgren, Kristina Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 19 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 14117450


Läkartidningen 2014;111(41)1770-3 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Narcolepsy with cataplexy is characterised by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and dyssomnia. The prevalence is 20-60/100 000. The disease is caused by a loss of hypocretin-containing cells in the hypothalamus. An autoimmune process influenced by both genetic and environmental factors has been hypothesised to cause this hypothalamic destruction. After the Pandemrix vaccination an increasing number of children and adolescents and also young adults have developed narcolepsy. The treatment is symptomatic and often consists of a combination of medications against the characteristic symptoms, excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and dyssomnia. Life style support from a professional team is of ther­apeutic importance. The Swedish Narcolepsy Registry was initiated by the Swedish Medical Products Agency and facilitates monitoring of outcome and side-effects, especially of the drugs with limited documentation.