Att förstärka barnperspektivet på en vuxenpsykiatrisk avdelning - angeläget, men svårt
Engelsk titel: Reinforcing the child's perspective in an adult psychiatric ward - urgent, but difficult
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Kejving, Gustav
Sandlund, Mikael
Pihkala, Heljä
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 13
UI-nummer: 14113909
Children of parents with mental illness run a high risk of developing psychiatric
and other problems. Providing support for the patients' children has, however,
often been neglected in adult psychiatric services. Recent supplementary legislation
obligates health personnel to consider the children's need of support
when a parent has mental illness. We investigated the health personnel’s attitudes
towards and experiences of working with child perspective in inpatient
settings and whether a short training-course had impact on their readiness
to act. Qualitatively analyzed, semi-structured interviews carried out on three
psychiatric units establish the need for defined methods and education in this
important yet difficult subject.