Diabetes i Grönland - fra Alfred Bertelsen til molekylaerdiagnostik i 2014 - professortiltraedelsesartikel
Engelsk titel: Diabetes in Greenland - from Alfred Bertelsen to molecular diagnostics
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Eika Jörgensen, Marit
Email: maej@steno.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 18
UI-nummer: 14127613
Health changes in Greenland have evolved in association with rapid social changes, ageing of the population, urbanisation, changes in diet and physical activity. Two population-based studies
found a notably high prevalence of diabetes (9%) and pre-diabetes (19%) among Greenland Inuit. Contrary to most other studies, the highest prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes was observed in
the least urbanised areas, and the traditional Inuit diet was associated with a higher risk of glucose intolerance. A recent study identified a strong association of a common TBC1D4 nonsense variant
with diabetes.