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Helsesöstres utfordringer ved bruk av kartleggingsverktöy i skolehelsetjenesten
Engelsk titel: Public health nurses’ challenges during the use of mapping in school health Läs online Författare: Nilsen, Ingebjörg ; Litland, Astrid S ; Hjälmhult, Esther Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 50 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15013028


Sykepleien Forskning 2014;9(4)358-6 ISSN 0806-7511 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Information and communication technologies will contribute to the quality of healthcare to patients, and clients’ needs. Data will also be made available for quality improvement, health monitoring and research. Journal System ‘HsPro Health Profile 0-20 years’ is introduced in health clinics and school health services at selected consultations. Objective: To explore public health nurses’ main challenge when using the mapping tool ‘HsPro Health Profile 0-20 years’, and how the challenge was handled. Method: We used Grounded Theory for the collection and analysis of data from eight individuals and one focus-group interview, a total of 12 nurses. Results: Participants were particularly interested in how to handle the conflict between the obligation to apply the mapping tool, and to maintain dialogue and guidance of a health examination. They handled the challenge of ‘balancing adjustment’, which includes three strategies: follow system, re- evaluate system and integrate system. When nurses follow the system, they reduce guidance and dialogue; on re-evaluation they increase frustration and choices; and on integration they increase focus on the student, because they make deviations from the mapping tool. Conclusion: The use of assessment tools in school health affects health examination. Reflected experience dampens conflict, but creates uncertainty for valid assessment tools. Evaluation and further development of the tool is required to better support clinical work, highlight the public health nurses’ work, and contribute useful data for health monitoring and research.